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Registered charity number 1003675
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Swaira Jamroz
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Our Recent Supporters
Kenneth James Mountfield
+ £5 Gift Aid
A round of drinks
Gareth Prosser
+ £2.50 Gift Aid
A wonderful place that changes lives
Amy Jones
+ £1.25 Gift Aid
A fantastic charity! Thanks for a wonderful CAFT Fest
Sam Woods
+ £2.50 Gift Aid
Heck yea you made ittttttt whoop whoop well done Michelle :)
Abbie Cope
+ £1.25 Gift Aid
Good luck Michelle!
Donated to
Michelle Farrington
Michelle and Bellas 100 mile challenge
+ £1.25 Gift Aid
Such a fantastic cause! 🥰 Beth & Oscar. X
Donated to
Michelle Farrington
Michelle and Bellas 100 mile challenge
Elaine Savage
+ £1.25 Gift Aid
Well Done Michelle!
Donated to
Michelle Farrington
Michelle and Bellas 100 mile challenge
Zoe Coop
+ £1.25 Gift Aid
Good luck Michelle!
Donated to
Michelle Farrington
Michelle and Bellas 100 mile challenge
Stuart holly
+ £5 Gift Aid
Good luck Michelle!
Donated to
Michelle Farrington
Michelle and Bellas 100 mile challenge
The Mulchand Foundation
Fantastic achievement Michelle & Bella, well done from all at The Mulchand Foundation
Donated to
Michelle Farrington
Michelle and Bellas 100 mile challenge
+ £1.25 Gift Aid
Donated to
Michelle Farrington
Michelle and Bellas 100 mile challenge
+ £1.25 Gift Aid
Good luck Michelle and Bella!
Donated to
Michelle Farrington
Michelle and Bellas 100 mile challenge
Sophie Pitchford
+ £1.25 Gift Aid
Good luck Michelle!
Anastasia Peters-Broom
+ £2.50 Gift Aid
Good luck Michelle and Bella!!
Donated to
Michelle Farrington
Michelle and Bellas 100 mile challenge
Maria Banham
+ £2.50 Gift Aid
Just keep walking, walking, walking! Michelle and Bella Boo you're smashing it!
Donated to
Michelle Farrington
Michelle and Bellas 100 mile challenge