Michelle's Updates
18.6k = 11.5 miles
A nice 11.5 miles done today and we only have 4 miles left to do until we have done the 100 miles 🙌
25.5 miles left to go 🙌
I’ve not posted an update for a while as you can understand I work full time and then go straight out for my walks and then sort the kids out for bed and then I sleep 😂 I have posted everyday on Facebook my updates and I can assure you that I have been out everyday with the exception on Mondays 🥰 we have walked in the rain, mud, massive puddles which look like lakes and hail stone. We have 25.5 miles left to go 🙌 all I can say is bring it on 🙌
6th walk completed
We walked 4.4 miles today around our nice woodland walk. No deers today but we saw the sheep with their lambs, buzzards and tadpoles 🐸 my feet are starting to really hurt now but raising money for a great cause is worth it 🥰
5th walk completed
We walked 4.7 miles on this walk and I got a tad bit wet as it was raining but not all bad as we saw some wild deer 🥰 love seeing animal in the wild 🥰 unfortunately couldn’t get pics as they ran off
4th walk completed
We walked 4.1 miles on this walk. We decided to walk to Culcheth and we had a little play at the half way point so Bella could stretch her legs 🥰
Fundraising Updates
100% of target reached!
Fundraising complete! Michelle and Bellas 100 mile challenge has reached 100% of the target!
75% of target reached!
Almost there! Michelle and Bellas 100 mile challenge has reached 75% of the target!
50% of target reached!
At the half way mark! Michelle and Bellas 100 mile challenge has reached 50% of the target!
25% of target reached!
Making great progress, Michelle and Bellas 100 mile challenge has reached 25% of the target!
First donation made!
Michelle and Bellas 100 mile challenge has received a donation, donate to this cause to help reach the fundraising target!
Fundraising started!
Michelle Farrington has launched a fundraising campaign, show your support with a donation!
Supporters (28 people)
Abbie Cope
Abbie Cope
Good luck Michelle!
10 months ago
£5 + £1.25 Gift Aid
Such a fantastic cause! 🥰 Beth & Oscar. X
10 months ago
£5 + £1.25 Gift Aid
Elaine Savage
Elaine Savage
Well Done Michelle!
10 months ago
£5 + £1.25 Gift Aid
Zoe Coop
Zoe Coop
Good luck Michelle!
10 months ago
£5 + £1.25 Gift Aid
Stuart holly
Stuart holly
Good luck Michelle!
10 months ago
£20 + £5 Gift Aid